Lost In September FL2NYSEARCH


Are you involved in birth that occured in Florida but finalized in New York State?  Please come join the FL2NYSEARCH email list for search support.  All members of the triad are welcome!

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This site was created in an effort to assist in my own personal search and to assist other triad members who are involved in FL to NY adoptions in their search.  If you are a Florida born/Adopted in NY adoptee or birthparent, please consider joining FL2NYSEARCH.


My name is Kat and I was adopted.  I was born on September 21, 1965 in Miami, (Dade County) Florida and my adoption was finalized in Westchester County, NY.  This makes searching very difficult and frustrating.  I have no knowledge of what hospital I was born in nor have I been able to obtain non-identifying information about the two people that created me.  I have no knowledge of my heritage, medical background,  or other blood relatives (possible siblings that dont know of my existance).  I am a half person thanks to sealed records. In early December, 2002 I wrote a letter to the Family Court in Westchester County and promptly received a response.  The letter I received stated that unless I can show "good cause" (medical reasons), I am not entitled to any information about my roots.  How can this be appropriate? How can a court demand an illness in order for an adoptee to learn where her roots lie?

Recently I was told some information relating to my birthmother but it is little help in locating her. This information cannot be verified unless of course my birthmother verifies it.


-Birthmother was not from Florida

-Birthmother was in her 30's

-Birthmother was a widow before getting accidently    pregnant by a "family friend"

-Adoptive parents paid for birthmothers medical expenses while pregnant (this was told to me by my Afather) so apparently the adoption was planned well before my birth.


**PLEASE be sure to visit the ADOPTION SEARCH LINKS page located in the navigation bar at the top of this page.  Many of your questions will be answered there.

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since September 21, 2002