Adoptees and Birthmothers can obtain
the county of finalization of the adopted
child by writing to the Department of Vital
Statistics. I have heard that the Vital
Statistics office requests that you do not call
requesting this information as phone calls
are proving to be counter productive in
the search effort.
Write a simple letter requesting where the
adoption was finalized and include the following information:
1) Full name at the time of adoption
2) Relationship to adopted child
3) Date of Birth of adopted child
4) Place of birth of adopted child (Hospital & City if possible)
5) Gender of adopted child
You must include a check for $9.00 made out to
Florida Department of Vital Statistics and a
photocopy of your drivers licence.
Requests should be mailed to:
Florida Department of Vital Statistics
ATT: Lorraine Kratz - Adoption Unit
P.O. Box 210
Jacksonville, Florida 32231-0042